Thursday, May 20, 2010

Climbing Higher

Peyton received the "Climbing Higher" award from his school yesterday! He received it for doing a good job on his subtraction assignments. Best part about all of this.. is when Dean said good job dude, you did good with subtraction. Peyton replies.. whats subtraction?!? Oh my, we have a long ways to go with this child! His mind is anywhere but school, must get that from his momma! :) Anyhow, we are very proud and he was SOOOO excited!
Group Picture

Certificate showing "why" he received the award

Patiently waiting to get his award

Peyton with the principal after receiving the award
Happy boy with all his award stuff!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

For all the moms out there....

I bought this product a few weeks ago! And it has literally saved me!! It times everything about a baby, feedings, diaper changes, sleeping, etc... If you breastfeed (which I don't) it has a button for left or right side used last! If you are like me.. you look at the clock when you feed or change your baby and say ok, its such and such time, yet whenever Addyson cries again, I can't remember what time I fed or changed her to decide what it is she really needs! Its also really helpful for babysitters to know when you fed them last or for them to keep track as well! Anyhow, this may be my new favorite baby product ever! So here is my shout out to the
I would recommend it to any new mom out there!! :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My baby is growing up... TOO FAST!

I can't help but do a quick post of how big my baby is getting... we celebrated her 2 month birthday this past week and here are some pictures to show it! Sad how fast time flies but so thankful we have a happy and healthy baby now! We love her so much!

Sitting up in her Bumbo.. really at 2 months??
Awe Sleeping....

Showing Mama what a big girl she is! Don't you just wanna pinch those cheeks?

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Formally introducing....

(I hope to eventually finish up my "DAYS" at the hospital journaling... but until then)
Here is our baby announcement.. FINALLY!! :)