Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Random May Happenings

So I am trying to be better at blogging, and May was a busy month for us. I posted a couple "significant" things we did (below). But here are a few random things we had going on in May as well.

Peyton had to do a report/poster on his heritage. My grandpa told him this is where we are from, so thats what we did. I suck at heritage stuff and pretty much think I came from America.. bahahaha!! He had a lot of fun doing it. They also did a dance from the 50's at school and he did so great! I actually think its time to look into putting him into a hip hop class, cause he pretty much rocks.

My sweet niece Paizleigh. They stopped by to visit and I just can't get enough her sweet smile. She is such a happy little girl. I'm sad I can't see her everyday, or even once a week. :(

My cheeseball...

Jaxyn and Paiz hanging out! Note the awesome MUNO hat! ;)

My boy LOVES to eat. None of my other kids loved food as much as he does! He is an animal! If you have food, he wants it, and he will eat anything! Loving this mango!

My sweet Addyson and her favorite person (when she wants jelly beans at least). She sure has her dad wrapped around her finger.

And the result is in!!

I'm pretty excited, to say the least... that I'm getting a NEPHEW in November! I have a baby niece in Idaho, and inherited nieces and nephews when I married as well. But this will be the first baby born that is CLOSE to me, like less than 2 miles away. They had a cute little gender reveal party and of course, I was right, its a boy and Mr. KREW will make his debut the end of November, or sooner like I hope! I can't wait for Jax to have a cousin so close to his age, it will be such a fun time to watch them grow up and play together!! EEEEeeeeee!

Sarah next to the voting board!

Proud parents of a baby boy!

My creative banner....

It's a BOY!


We took the kids to Kennecott Mine a couple weeks ago. They thought it was a lot of fun and interesting. We were able to pack a picnic and go to a park near the mine. It was the coolest park ever and the kids could have played there ALL day long! Ryan and Sarah were able to come, as well as Crystal and Jake and Nicole. I'm trying to find fun things to do as a family lately.. seems like with the chaos of normal life that we don't spend a ton of time doing things all together. So this is helping :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Let's try this again....

I'm going to give this blog thing another try. My mind is slowly fading and I would like to try to remember the fun things my kids do, the fun family activities we have or simply just use this as my venting place! ;) Hopefully it will make me get my camera out more and help keep me on track! Cheers to blogging....