Friday, July 31, 2009
I have a FEELING...
I just have to get this off my chest. For the longest time I have had a strong feeling that this baby is a girl. So I had to give into my temptations of mythology. So I googled Chinese gender predictor chart and sure enough, doing that gave me the results of girl. And then i also did the test where you put your wedding ring on a string and dangle it over your wrist and if it circles, its a girl, and if it goes back and forth like a pendulum its a boy... well.. mine circled! So I'm just saying ahead of time, that I'm pretty sure no matter what our wishes, that we are getting a girl.... Of course we are totally fine with this and happy no matter what.. but I just had to get that all off my chest!! THANKS!! ;)
Monday, July 20, 2009
We Wish For....
Of course any parent only wishes for a happy healthy baby. However, lets be honest, we all have a gender wish at some point. So Im putting our good vibes out there to say that we are hoping for a BOY!!! So everyone hope for us! However, if we do get a girl, we won't be disappointed! So here is to little BOY wishes!! :)

Monday, July 13, 2009
BiG NeWs!!!!
Yes what you see is true! We are expecting!! We aren't sure how far along yet, anywhere from 3-5 weeks! We are so very excited and can't wait for all the FUN ahead!! We were going to wait to tell people, but the excitement was killing us. We haven't told Peyton yet because he doesn't understand TIME!! He would never leave us alone, so hopefully the right time comes soon!! :) Stay tuned for more details!!
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