Monday, July 13, 2009

BiG NeWs!!!!

Yes what you see is true! We are expecting!! We aren't sure how far along yet, anywhere from 3-5 weeks! We are so very excited and can't wait for all the FUN ahead!! We were going to wait to tell people, but the excitement was killing us. We haven't told Peyton yet because he doesn't understand TIME!! He would never leave us alone, so hopefully the right time comes soon!! :) Stay tuned for more details!!
I didn't quite believe it, so I had to take two, and then had to go to the Dr. to take a REAL one and sure enough, 3rd times a charm!!


  1. Congratulations... you guys just have so many exciting things coming up for you! :)

  2. How exciting!!! It's about time :) Congratulations!!
