Over Labor Day, we made a last minute trip to Idaho. My grandpa has not been doing to well and was going into surgery on September 15th and they told him it was very high risk and he had a chance of not pulling through. So I just couldn't take my chances of not going to see him for what we all thought might be his last moments of life. He had his surgery and is recovering, however he hasn't been the same since. He is in A LOT of pain, and they think the anesthesia messed with his mind a little. He has said and done a lot of things that have made him seem crazy or not all there, however slowly but surely they hope he will pull out of it. We are glad he survived and hope that he pulls through with a full recovery. Anyhow, here are some of the pictures from when we were there.
We took a trip to City of Rocks on Sunday, Peyton had a great time climbing and we stopped at a gas station on the way and he thought he was pretty funny with this!! HAHA
My two BOYS!!
Dean doing his funny hand/picture stuff.. he had Peyton do this, looks kinda cool right?
The trip was alot of fun and we are so glad we went to spend time with family... being here away from them all gets to me sometimes so I am thankful for the times we do get with them! I really was on this trip eventhough there aren't any pictures of me... Im not so camera happy with getting pregnant chubby anymore... UGH...
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