Friday, April 2, 2010

{DAY 2}

Day Two:
Day two was kinda just a waiting game day. They were a bit concerned about her heavy breathing. When she would breath, her head would bob and her chest would retract, so they kept turning her oxygen up and hoping it would help. They had respiratory therapists in throughout the day and they just kept saying to keep an eye on her. That night Addyson threw up all her food that I had fed her and it had them a little concerned, but they decided just to add some water to her formula to make it less powerful and hoped that would work. Dean went home that night to sleep at home.. I was an emotional wreck... at that point it all hit me. I was an emotional wreck, the shock was gone and the emotions ran wild. You start to blame yourself, to ask yourself what you could have done different, how you could have protected them more. RSV is simply a common cold, but for a baby her age, it can be life threatening. How do you prevent it from happening? It wasn't possible for me to do having Peyton in school and knowing he probably brought it home with him... All sorts of thought and emotions go through your mind... and its hard way hard to see your baby look so awful. So day 2 was really really rough for me. Thank goodness I have a great husband to get me through the hard days. At this point too I started having anxiety by passing Peyton around to people to take care of and not seeing him either. At the end of day two we were all getting worried that Addyson was not getting better, just worse... but they kept us where we were into the night and onto the next day....
Snuggled with mom

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