Sunday, March 15, 2009

Disney on Ice 2009

So we went to Disney on Ice today! We went with Dean's sister Dee, her husband Larry and their 3 kids, Anndee, Hallee, and Wyatt. We actually met them there at the arena. So we decided to take Peyton for his first real long ride on the Trax! Oh my he loved it! And it was nice not to have to worry about where to park or be around all the busy cars! So anyhow, we got to the arena and of course Peyton had to spend money right off the bat! I swore I was only going to let him spend $20.. but you all know I didnt stick to that! HAHA. So he ended up getting a Mickey Mouse crown and some water bottle thing. And of course popcorn. So we sat down, and The Webb fam showed up and the show started. Dee left to go get her kids snow cones a few minutes later and of course when Peyton saw them he had to throw the pouty fit.. and he got one! Anyhow! The show was great! And we all had a ton of fun! Hallee and Anndee got to join us on our train ride back and we enjoyed taking them! This was also Dean's first Disney on Ice.. and he made it through the whole show without one smart a$$ remark! Can you believe it??! All in all it was a great day and a nice family outing!

Peyton and his $$$expensive$$$ crown!
Me and Peyton waiting for the train!

Dean and Peyton waiting for the Trax!

Our Fam after the show (obviously looking at a different camera)

The Webb Fam

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happy 40th Dennis!!

So I have to give a shout out to Dean's brother Dennis! He just turned 40 in February, but the SURPRISE party wasn't till this past weekend!! His lovely wife did such a good job of making sure he didn't find out! And I think she did pretty well until someone that couldn't make it text him and was like "sorry, can't make it to your party"... yeah.. who does that??? So he knew when he came in, but he did a good job of acting surprised! There were alot of people there! It was held at the "The Canyon Inn" which is a really nice bar with food and pool tables and a live band! We all had a great time and I just wanted to share it all with you!!! LOVE YOU DENNIS!

Dennis, in the shirt that Dean had to have for him. I actually went through a bit of hell to get this on Ebay, but the brothers were proud of it!!

Hmm... which one should I blow out first???!???!???!??

The Parents

The 3 Amigos

Just something to share....

So Dean, I am so sorry, but I just had to share this. I want you all to know that this is what I live with on a daily basis. And don't get me wrong. I am so very thankful!! I have the most amazing man in my life that lives life to the fullest and whom never lets a dull moment happen! And so I just have to give him a shout out and let him know how much I appreciate all he does for our family! But most of all I need to let him know how much I appreciate his happy go lucky mood and that damn witty box of his in the back of his head!! Now here is the story for the following picture!! I had bought him this shirt oh many months back, cause Peyton loves spider man so we thought it would be cute for Peyton to see him in it... and I also got him the guitar hero boxers as a joke, because "Santa" had brought us guitar hero for Christmas! So never in a million years did I think this outfit would happen (I know I know, I should have known better)! But we were playing guitar hero one night with our friends.. and Dean excuses himself to go to the bathroom, well this is what happened next! For those of you that know him, you know that he is a drummer, and so this whole picture just explains so much about him!! But it just shows what a care free guy I truly have and I just can't ever tell him enough how much I appreciate that about him! Love you baby!!!

MoNsTeR jAm!!

So I'm a little late on this one, because we actually did this on Valentine's Day, but I haven't had time to get my camera unloaded. Anyhow! We took Peyton to Monster Jam at the Energy Solutions Arena on Valentines Day. It was his first one, and really technically one of our firsts too!! We weren't too excited, but when your parents, you do what your kids want to do!! So we took him! We got to our seats and the lights all went out in anticipation. I was trying to get ear plugs ready, but I didn't quite do it soon enough and when the engines roared, I thought Peyton was going to cry. I could tell he was a bit nervous and didn't expect it at all. But once I got the ear plugs in his ears he was fine!! The show lasted a couple hours and we were all deaf by time it got done! But we had an enjoyable time. Of course, I would have been better off giving him $100 and let him go to Target and buy whatever for the amount of money I spent on food and souvenirs! But it was still a good time! Here's a few photos from the lively event!